
When my mother-in-law looks at my two little guys and sees the pure joy in their faces, the almost giddiness they display for no apparent reason, she says, "Happiness Is!" As I made the decision to start a blog, I asked my son what I should journal about? His short to-the-point answer was "Happiness." When he said that I immediately remembered this phrase from my mother-in-law, hence the title for my blog. Life is so crazy and it is passing me by extremely fast. So, with some inspiration from my little sister, I'm on a quest to record these moments of happiness and joy. Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Very Mini Vacation

We love to go to Tablerock Lake each summer. It seems like this summer has been flying by so we decided (kinda last minute) we better make a quick trip to the lake. We usually camp with the pop-up camper, but last year was so miserably hot, we decided to get a hotel. Down on Tuesday and back by late Thursday - it was the quickest trip we've ever made! The weather was cool enough that we could've camped and we had some rain most of Thursday. Despite all that, we did manage to have some fun. I loved playing tag in the water with Aidan. He and I laughed for about an hour with our game. Owen was finally comfortable getting in the water by day two on the boat and he giggles as we swished him around. He's going to be a little fish I think...

1 comment:

  1. So... while I was finishing up reading the above post, I barely glanced at the picture of Aidan, and totally saw Kip! I don't think I've ever seen Kip in him like I just did. Very cute pictures and I'm glad you got away for a couple of days!!!
