
When my mother-in-law looks at my two little guys and sees the pure joy in their faces, the almost giddiness they display for no apparent reason, she says, "Happiness Is!" As I made the decision to start a blog, I asked my son what I should journal about? His short to-the-point answer was "Happiness." When he said that I immediately remembered this phrase from my mother-in-law, hence the title for my blog. Life is so crazy and it is passing me by extremely fast. So, with some inspiration from my little sister, I'm on a quest to record these moments of happiness and joy. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Everytime we say anything about the farm, Owen sings E-I-E-I-O. Then he repeats over and over "fahm, E-I-E-I-O, fahm, E-I-E-I-O." It's so cute!

It reminds me of Aidan as a little boy. He would always see McDonalds when we were in the car and yell "Old McDonalds!" I can't remember when the last time he asked me if we could get a chicken sandwich at "Old" McDonalds, but it doesn't seem like very long ago...time flies...

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I think Owen has the cutest voice ever, and I'm always so happy I get to witness these things! E I E I O!!!!!!!!!!!!
