
When my mother-in-law looks at my two little guys and sees the pure joy in their faces, the almost giddiness they display for no apparent reason, she says, "Happiness Is!" As I made the decision to start a blog, I asked my son what I should journal about? His short to-the-point answer was "Happiness." When he said that I immediately remembered this phrase from my mother-in-law, hence the title for my blog. Life is so crazy and it is passing me by extremely fast. So, with some inspiration from my little sister, I'm on a quest to record these moments of happiness and joy. Wish me luck!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Project Central

Maybe this will help me get focused. We purchased this house 12 years ago. I guess that is the magic number, because everything needs done, redone, and repaired all at once! We are so close to finishing the outside projects but the rain has really slowed things down. So, even though I swore I wouldn't, I began some of my inside projects. The end result - everything is in limbo!

Here is what I hope to check off the project list in the very near future:


1. House painted: We have taken on the painting job ourselves in order to save $$$. The cost savings will buy my new carpet. It seemed like such a daunting task, but really went pretty smoothly. The rain has really slowed us down and now the weather is sooo hot. We are to the point of being so close but so far away. The only time to paint is early morning and late evening before the sun goes down. This week, the project has come to a halt, but another one got underway...

2. Concrete patio stained: I have to admit that the staining of the concrete might not happen this year. This week, with some helpers, Kip tore out the lower deck, removed all the paving stones, and put in a huge concrete patio in the back yard. I want to try this do-it-yourself acid washing technique on the concrete. The concrete needs to cure a little, and I can feel Halloween season encroaching on me...

3. Upper deck stained: Again, I started this project, but rain has caused delay - and now the heat!


1. Get carpet ordered: It's been on the list for a few weeks. Can't seem to get it done and I hope what I picked out is still available.

2. Finish my freshly painted bedroom: I'm excited about this room! I love the new paint color. The trim needs touched up. Wallpaper project needs started and finished. Fabric is here, so I need to sew new curtains, shams, and get bench cushions made. Lamp makeover. Artwork framed. I'm thinking of a chair makeover too... Wow, I didn't realize that was such a big list!

3. Touch up paint hallways and living room: So apparently Home Depot doesn't carry Ralph Lauren paints anymore. I love my paint color, but I do not have enough of it to touch up all the walls. Problem is, I didn't know this before I spackled all the nail holes and dents all over these rooms! I have to finish painting before the carpet goes in. Guess I'm going for a color match, which will not be exact, I'm sure, so I will end up painting the walls in their entirety...

4. Tile entryway: My brother is going to bring his tile saw! I'm excited. This will be my first DIY tile job and it has to go in before the carpet!

5. Re-hang living room draperies: I've added two panels to my draperies and extended them into the eating area. I just need to clean the originals, hang the new (very long) rod and sew the new coordinating pillows.

Ok, that is my must do list. I have a million ideas and projects floating around in my head. My husband would probably fall over if he only knew what is in this brain of mine. My original deadline was June, but July is almost here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Kip already know of the endless projects in your list... he's just good at turning his cheek. You forgot to add, help me accessorize!!!!
