
When my mother-in-law looks at my two little guys and sees the pure joy in their faces, the almost giddiness they display for no apparent reason, she says, "Happiness Is!" As I made the decision to start a blog, I asked my son what I should journal about? His short to-the-point answer was "Happiness." When he said that I immediately remembered this phrase from my mother-in-law, hence the title for my blog. Life is so crazy and it is passing me by extremely fast. So, with some inspiration from my little sister, I'm on a quest to record these moments of happiness and joy. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Toga, Toga!

Went to the video store last night to redeem Aidan's free movies. He got 5 this summer! One movie for each A (or the equivilant therof). He wanted to rent Clash of the Titans - the 1981 version. He has read the complete Percy Jackson series and is exited about Greek Mythology so I said ok. I wasn't sure he would actually like this movie but I thought we would give it a try. He watched it this morning and was pretty into it. There were plenty of gross monsters and such.

The funny part of this story comes when he got to thinking about his birthday party later on. He was talking my ear off so it took me awhile to realize that he was in the planning stages of a toga party! He didn't call it that of course, but he wanted everyone to dress up like ancient Romans or Greeks and he wanted to have a black toga. He said "Mom, do people ever dress up like that any more?" - meaning in modern day Greece or Rome - and I said "Nope, I think only college kids do that!" I had to extrapolate on that of course - so I explained to him what a toga party is (I left out the alcohol that accompanies it...). Needless to say, after all is said and done, I believe that my son has his heart set on a toga party for his 9th birthday!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Budding Athlete?

Aidan has not shown much interest in sports in the past. I've never really been one to push sports, but I do think there is real value of being involved in athletics so we keep trying. He has a naturally athletic build and good instincts, but he just hasn't seemed interested in working hard at it yet. Today made me think that maybe he will be more involved in sports than I had been thinking...

Swimming Lessons: He is truly excited to go to swimming every day and today his teacher informed the swim team coach that he is ready for swim team! He had been asking me about it since he heard about last month and he listens to the teachers and takes instruction so well. I am so proud of him! He has come a long way in only 3 weeks of lessons and now really wants to get on the swim team! Move over Michael Phelps. Haha.

The Final Baseball Game: Tonight was his last game. He's been playing ball at the Bel Aire Rec League. When we got ready to go and he realized it was the last game, he was truly disappointed that it was ending. He actually liked it!!! He had one really good hit. But what was exciting for us is that he got two runners out at first. He's been a good hitter the whole season, but he hasn't tackled fielding as enthusiastically. A big step in the right direction - Way to go Aidan!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Project Central

Maybe this will help me get focused. We purchased this house 12 years ago. I guess that is the magic number, because everything needs done, redone, and repaired all at once! We are so close to finishing the outside projects but the rain has really slowed things down. So, even though I swore I wouldn't, I began some of my inside projects. The end result - everything is in limbo!

Here is what I hope to check off the project list in the very near future:


1. House painted: We have taken on the painting job ourselves in order to save $$$. The cost savings will buy my new carpet. It seemed like such a daunting task, but really went pretty smoothly. The rain has really slowed us down and now the weather is sooo hot. We are to the point of being so close but so far away. The only time to paint is early morning and late evening before the sun goes down. This week, the project has come to a halt, but another one got underway...

2. Concrete patio stained: I have to admit that the staining of the concrete might not happen this year. This week, with some helpers, Kip tore out the lower deck, removed all the paving stones, and put in a huge concrete patio in the back yard. I want to try this do-it-yourself acid washing technique on the concrete. The concrete needs to cure a little, and I can feel Halloween season encroaching on me...

3. Upper deck stained: Again, I started this project, but rain has caused delay - and now the heat!


1. Get carpet ordered: It's been on the list for a few weeks. Can't seem to get it done and I hope what I picked out is still available.

2. Finish my freshly painted bedroom: I'm excited about this room! I love the new paint color. The trim needs touched up. Wallpaper project needs started and finished. Fabric is here, so I need to sew new curtains, shams, and get bench cushions made. Lamp makeover. Artwork framed. I'm thinking of a chair makeover too... Wow, I didn't realize that was such a big list!

3. Touch up paint hallways and living room: So apparently Home Depot doesn't carry Ralph Lauren paints anymore. I love my paint color, but I do not have enough of it to touch up all the walls. Problem is, I didn't know this before I spackled all the nail holes and dents all over these rooms! I have to finish painting before the carpet goes in. Guess I'm going for a color match, which will not be exact, I'm sure, so I will end up painting the walls in their entirety...

4. Tile entryway: My brother is going to bring his tile saw! I'm excited. This will be my first DIY tile job and it has to go in before the carpet!

5. Re-hang living room draperies: I've added two panels to my draperies and extended them into the eating area. I just need to clean the originals, hang the new (very long) rod and sew the new coordinating pillows.

Ok, that is my must do list. I have a million ideas and projects floating around in my head. My husband would probably fall over if he only knew what is in this brain of mine. My original deadline was June, but July is almost here.

Colorful, Intense and Fiery

Aidan and I were picking out a background for my blog and he noticed a really colorful tie dye background option. He said "Mom, you are beautiful and colorful, you really need that one!" I don't think of myself as colorful, but I'll take it! What a great compliment. I've been feeling really worn out lately and I look at myself in the morning and think, "Whoa! What happened here!" I'm not 25 anymore, but it's nice to know that my son thinks I'm beautiful. *smile*

The conversation went on and he wanted me to describe his personality. I said he is fiery (which he very much liked), intense, smart and beautiful. He wanted a further clarification of intense so here it is son: 1. existing in a high or extreme degree 2. having strong feeling. Pretty much sums him up. My job with this intense boy is to channel all that "strong feeling" into something productive. We are still figuring that part out!

Aidan has decided he wants a blog. He has also decided his background will be fire!

Not Just a Phone

I was reading some friends and family blogs yesterday, and I loved reading the anecdotes about the funny and sweet things kids say and do. For the past couple of years, I had made a habit of recording my "Aidanisms," as I call them, on memos on my phones. By December of last year, my Blackberry (the one I didn't think I needed but now rely on) was beaten up, and pretty rough looking, but otherwise in workable condition - with minor frustrating moments. My husband, however, heard my frustration and bought me a fancy new touch screen model for Christmas. Its a great phone, but it has been a bit of a learning curve. Needless to say, I never started the memo thing on the new phone. I saved the old one knowing I could load the memos and pictures to my computer when I could get around to it. A month or so ago, I lost my new phone (temporarily), so I had my old one activated. In all the confusion of the day, I lost my old phone (permanently), found the new phone and had it reactivated. As I was reading these blogs, I had a thought about the "Aidanisms" and realized they were on the memory of my old phone! I started crying, because I could not for the life of me remember the awesome things my boy had said. I decided at that moment, that I have got to find a way to record these things and make myself do it!

Here is my favorite memo - not on my phone anymore! Owen has begun talking up a storm. When he says something and I agree I must say "uh huh" a lot. He now uses that phrase like "yes" for everything he wants us to agree with him on. "Outtide, uh huh" ... "Fwimming, uh huh" ... "Fwee Fahm, uh huh" ... "Cawh, uh huh" ... I will have to figure out a way to record this, because the inflection in his voice is absolutely adorable!


I've got Aidan beside me as I begin this journal. He is excited about this "blogging thing" and, as he sits here with me, he has inspired my first post and the name of my new blog. I said to him,"What should I write about?" Of course he said "swimming!" Aidan is in love with swimming as every strong, energetic, 8 year old boy should be in the summer. We have finished one round of swimming lessons - onto round two next week, and the pool is finally warm enough to really enjoy. Aidan is in swimming heaven! I'm sure we will give the pool a work out this year since Owen has just discovered how good the water feels too.

Summer is definitely in full swing, and although I look forward to it each year, it inevitably means exhaustion. We are three weeks into our summer vacation, and after many miles in the car, two days in a row at the pool, and so many bags of gear the car is about to explode, we are worn out! Aidan had a full week of soccer camp, science camp and baseball games (Can you guess which was his favorite?). As the chauffer extraordinaire, I get to drive Aidan from activity to activity and Owen gets to ride along everywhere we go. He takes it all in stride, never short of big toothy grin, or a deep belly laugh. My favorite part has been listening to Aidan entertaining Owen in the back seat. He can get a giggle like no one else!

For now, I've put projects on hold (temporarily...there are too many unfinished things to stop now...) and I keep telling myself that "it can wait." Summer is for swimming, outside time, and cooking out, right!?! I'm trying to remember to check more of those things off my list. With so many projects we have taken on around this house, it is quite an exercise in patience!