
When my mother-in-law looks at my two little guys and sees the pure joy in their faces, the almost giddiness they display for no apparent reason, she says, "Happiness Is!" As I made the decision to start a blog, I asked my son what I should journal about? His short to-the-point answer was "Happiness." When he said that I immediately remembered this phrase from my mother-in-law, hence the title for my blog. Life is so crazy and it is passing me by extremely fast. So, with some inspiration from my little sister, I'm on a quest to record these moments of happiness and joy. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Interview: Roller Coasters!

Mom: What did you think about your first big roller coaster "The Hulk?"

Aidan: When I first got in that car, I was like "I don't know if I should do this, I want out!" But I was in it and there was no getting out. So then we started going up the hill slowly and and then faster and I was thinking "uh oh uh oh uh oh" then we shot out the top so fast and it twisted us upside down! Thats when I didn't feel so good because I was facing toward the sidewalk! After I felt much better because it was a lot smoother. Once we were done, I felt glad I got that over with, then I felt the urge to do that again. I wanted to do it again but we were headed to Harry Potter land and mom dragged me away.

Mom: Was riding a big roller coaster what you expected?

Aidan: Yeah, I kind of expected it to be kind of like that.

Mom: So would you say riding roller coasters was your favorite part of the trip?

Aidan: Yes. That was definitely my favorite type of ride.

Mom: What was your next roller coaster? Tell me about that.

Aidan: My next roller coaster was Dragon Challenge. It was by far my favorite. In my opinion it went faster than the Hulk. It was really scary because it was all over the place and your feet were hanging down. There was this one part where you look like you were going to run into the other roller coaster and then you barely miss (he makes a motion to demonstrate how the two challenging coasters head together before turning you straight up then into an upside down loop).

Mom: Did your dad go on these roller coasters with you?

Aidan: No! He is much too scared, much too scared! I call him the "Chicken of the Roller Coasters!"

Mom: Did your dad ride anything with you?

Aidan: Yes, yes he did. He rode all the simulators with me. I got him to ride two little roller coasters. They were really little. Really little! There were no drops or anything. I also got him to ride splash mountain with me too. That had a lot of small drops and one big drop. I also call him "Chicken of the Water Rides...."

Mom: So, your mom rode all the rides with you?

Aidan: Yes. She basically rode all of them. All of them. The ones she loved the most was all the roller coasters.

Mom: Is there a downside to riding that many roller coasters in a day?

Aidan: You feel like you're going to throw up!

Mom: So you had to take a break?

Aidan: Yeah for a little while. We just went on a bunch of other rides like a carousel, simulators, stuff like that.

Mom: What was your favorite ride?

Aidan: I think we both agreed that it was Dragon Challenge, but the Hulk almost tied. I think that this trip was one of the best trips I've tooken in a long time! All those roller coasters in one day....That kinda made me want to go to the hotel and rest awhile, but I think they make some of the best roller coasters around.

Author's Note: I remember riding Space Mountain by myself when Kip and I went to Disney together (before kids). It was fun, but no fun waiting in line alone.... and sitting alone.... When we walked into Universal Studios the first day of our theme parking adventures, Aidan saw the "Hulk" (pictured below) across the water and exclaimed "I want to ride that!" I was in roller coaster heaven the rest of the trip, because Aidan had discovered the thrill of the ride and he shared it with me. I think I shall have a riding companion for life!

1 comment:

  1. That was a super cute way to document your trip! I LOVE roller coasters! Aidan is so detailed in all of his memories!!
