
When my mother-in-law looks at my two little guys and sees the pure joy in their faces, the almost giddiness they display for no apparent reason, she says, "Happiness Is!" As I made the decision to start a blog, I asked my son what I should journal about? His short to-the-point answer was "Happiness." When he said that I immediately remembered this phrase from my mother-in-law, hence the title for my blog. Life is so crazy and it is passing me by extremely fast. So, with some inspiration from my little sister, I'm on a quest to record these moments of happiness and joy. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 25, 2013

How's Aidan Thinking?

Dad says, "Aidan, you just weren't thinking straight!"
Two minutes later Mom and Owen walk upstairs and Owen asks "How's Aidan thinking...crooked?"

Yup! Through the eyes of a four year old.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Back in the Land of the Living?

I'm trying to get back to my life anyway...

I finished my Level II Kodaly class at WSU last Friday, and I'm just now beginning to recover.  I knew from last summer that I better do some pre-homework, which I did.  Kip knew that he would need to run the household for awhile and chauffeur the kids, which he did.  But two weeks of intense study and never ending homework is enough to put us all in a bit of shock.  Aidan was super helpful, but Owen was in a bit of Mommy withdrawal mode much of the time. He is such a happy kid, it didn't take much to distract him from the craziness and make him laugh.
Here is an organized version of some of the books I used for my courses. This is on Tuesday after I finished and I finally had enough energy to organize everything and put it away!  You can see that the amount of books I have collected is quite extensive.  The amazing part is, I don't have a need for my school music textbooks anymore because I have such a great song collection.  And, in my song collection there are games and teaching ideas galore!

It was quite a whirlwind two weeks but I survived it. I knew how difficult it would be, but after last year I was hooked.  For the past 16 years I've taught the exact same music concepts, but using the tools I have learned to use in my methodology classes, and putting the concepts in such a specific order has really changed my life.  My school kids have responded amazingly well.  The best part is that it has brought back a love for teaching that I felt I had lost.

So, here I am, trying to recover from the lack of sleep, excited for summer to really start, but ready to put even more great ideas to use in my classroom!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Loss

Aidan startled us this morning with sort of a scream this morning.  Followed by sobbing.  We all ran to his room to see what was wrong to discover that one of his rats had died.  He only got his rats at the beginning of January so this was a shock to all of us.  Aidan was really excited about his rats when he got them.  He's been wanting them for a really long time, so at Christmas we go him the cage and promised him a trip to a really good pet store that breeds them for pets - not feed.

When we went to the pet store to choose, one was immediately his favorite.  He named him Frodo (Lord of the Rings...) and then chose another whom he named Cheddar (just a cute name????).  Frodo was the friendlier and calmer of the two.  He seemed perfectly healthy, but he was just laying there this morning like he died in his sleep.

Aidan and Dad went outside and buried him in the backyard.  Aidan carved his name onto a little stick for a makeshift grave marker and finished the job.

He is a sad, sad boy today.  I'm glad it happened on a weekend because it would be hard for him to go to school feeling the way he does.  Here is a picture and a video of his little pet.
Frodo on top when Aidan first brought the rats home.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fun With the Miter Saw & Nail Gun

I spent the week of spring break painting and trimming out our basement. I can't say that I'm any closer to being an expert with the miter saw (it's harder than than it looks), but I definitely got some things done. My favorite part of the week was on Saturday when I took a break from the paint and trim in the basement to finish up another one of my incomplete projects - the wallpaper panels in my bedroom. The wallpaper has been up for over a year now and the trim has been painted since last summer... So it is so fun to see the finished walls! Hope you like it!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things.....

I've been collecting this tiny list since last Halloween when I realized I wasn't going to remember all these funny things my kids have said...again I've lost too many of these... I just can't seem to write them down!

Aidan: "It's nightmare on Elmo street!" Aidan, dressed up as Jason, is posing for a Halloween picture with Owen, dressed up as Elmo.
Owen: Mom says "I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom." Owen answers "Ok, don't fall in! I will miss you!"
Owen:  I love it when the kids show their budding language skills. Opposites is one of my particular favorites. I remember Aidan saying "But Mom, I want you to have a warm!" when I told him I had a cold and couldn't play with him.  I think he must have been 2 or three. Owen just made me think of this. Mom says "It's time for some quiet time Owen." Owen matter-of-factly says, "I think I will just have some loud time."
Owen:  We are reading a bedtime story and there is a picture of a cow with a bright pink udder.  Owen exclaims "Look mom, the pig crawled up the cow's butt!"  I laughed so hard I was about to cry.  I explained that the picture was actually showing the cow's udder.  Also, explaining where the cow's milk comes from.  The rest of the night he couldn't quit talking about the cow's "butt"-er.
Owen:  We are in the back seat for the car and he says something that I am not sure should be coming out of his mouth so I ask "Where did you learn that?" His answer, "I learned it in my own head!"  Of course!


Aidan came up with this funny script to act out with a couple of friends for his school's upcoming talent show.  Aidan came up with all the funny concepts and he got a little help from mom and dad to refine the script.  He had callbacks last night and he is excited that he made the cut.  Here is his skit:

Aidan- Good afternoon and thanks for joining us, I’m Aidan Scott
Austin- And I’m Austin and you are watching the “Buckner Rap”....In Headlines today, there has been an outbreak of cooties in the fourth grade.  The school nurse says that while no long term harm is caused by the cootie virus, cooties are highly contagious and can cause mild embarrassment until they are passed to someone else. The Good news though is that even though it’s late in the season, it’s not too late to get your cootie vaccine!.........Aidan
Aidan-  In an interesting 2012 study, students who eat school lunches on a regular basis are more likely to be Justin Bieber fans.  Researchers say the findings are unclear but it most likely has something to do with their lack of taste!............Well, we finally know why so many students ate their homework and ended up in the nurses office last week.  This mysterious homework eating phenomenon was started when their teacher gave out the homework assignments and said “it is a piece of cake!”.................
Austin-  As Buckner students, what is our favorite thing about school but we just cant seem to get as often as we want?.......That’s right.  Recess!  Its either too hot, too cold, too windy, or too wet.  To find out more on this recess mess, we go to our playground correspondent Alex Byington on the scene.
Alex- Thanks guys....(indicating the nice weather) well we have a beautiful day here on the Buckner playground.  Temperatures are in the mid 80’s with very little wind.  The sun is out and there is no chance of rain.
Austin- Well thats great news for those kids desperately wanting to get some playground time.
Alex- Not so fast Austin, I am told by school officials that because it rained a few weeks ago that there is a slight chance we could get our shoes wet....so looks like we will have to wait a little while longer.............
Aidan- Last week school officials voted to stop allowing busses to drive by gas stations.  We interviewed Ms. Filsram about this story and she said, and I quote  “The safety of our students is our top priority and under no circumstances will we allow our Bus Drivers to pass gas.”...................
Austin- I am told we have breaking news on the playground.  We are learning that it might actually be dry enough for recess.  For more information we go back to our playground correspondent Alex Byington.
Alex- Thats right Austin.  School staff has reversed their decision regarding not letting students go outside because of potential wet sneakers!......(holding ear like he is being told updates) Hold on a minute, hold on....I’m being told that there are too many clouds in the sky for us to have fun.  School rules say kids can only go out for recess if there are three clouds or less.  Unfortunately we are at four clouds!...... Well we will take a break and be back in a few minutes.
Aidan- When we return ... the game of tag...is it exercise or just an excuse to push people?  And why can it be played in P.E but not on recess.  Also, could this be where all the cases of cooties started....we will find out when we return.

Friday, February 17, 2012

We Have Tile!

I just got my kitchen tile installed.  Yes, it still needs grout, but it looks so good that I thought I would share my excitement!

Now if I could just get those cabinets painted...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Recap 2011

Happy Birthday Mom.
A thoughtful gift from my sweet Aidan on my birthday.
Owen spent a few months constantly on the "phone" (He would use anything that could pass as a phone - although I could never get a pic of him talking on his favorite phone choice - a banana.)

Owen's first swimming lessons.

Brotherly Love - a sometimes occurrence...
Aidan's "school friends" birthday party.
I wish I had a picture of me with the kids!

First day of 4th grade.

First day of preschool.

Best costume ever!

Shawn and Kait

What a great year!  Wow - how the time flies!!!